Sunday, July 31, 2011

2011 Summer Enrichment Camp

For two days, I volunteered at the Intergrative Focus, Inc. Summer Camp. I spoke to young girls at the camp about self-esteem and beauty. I also performed my talent, a dramatic monolgue called "I Have Bi-Racial Hair" by Zora Howard.

I also attended "Thunder Day" at the camp.

A few of the 2011 MBOKUSA Contestants and staff as well volunteered.

Live on The Touch 1140 AM!

I was invited to speak on air LIVE on KRMP The Touch 1140 AM, at the Perry Broadcasting Company in Oklahoma City. I talked about the state and national pageants at well as my platform, OATH and the National Miss Black USA Talented Teen platform, National Miss and Exploited Children.

About Me

My photo
I'm Bradyn Littles. I am Miss Black Oklahoma Talented Teen USA 2010. I am a senior at Edmond Memorial High School. I also attend Francis Tuttle Technology Center where I study Business Marketing. Additionally, I attend the University of Central Oklahoma as a concurrent student. I plan to attend the University of Oklahoma next fall as a sophomore. My platform O.A.T.H., Oklahomans Against Trafficking Humans deals with young teenage girls sold or rented into trafficking. To learn more visit My family is very important to me. I love helping others in any way possible. I attend (OKC Campus). The Lord plays a very significant part in my life. Faith is my favorite word because faith in the Lord brings peace and victory. My reign as Miss Black Oklahoma Talented Teen USA 2010 consists of countless events, community service activities, and preparation for the national scholarship pageant in Washington D.C. next August 2011. Visit my blog to see what is going on every day in the life of pageantry.